Health Canada, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (US CPSC) and phil & teds USA Inc. have issued a joint recall on select V5 Dash strollers due to a pinching hazard. The recalled strollers have a serial number within the range: PTRV0715/0746 to PTRV0815/2525.
Total Recall v5.1
Approximately 244 units of the recalled products were sold in Canada, and 630 units in the United States. The recalled products were sold between October 2015 to May 2016 in Canada and from August 2015 to April 2016 in the United States.
If you own the recalled stroller, you should stop using it immediately and contact phil & teds to receive a free repair kit. For additional information in the U.S. and Canada, you can contact phil & teds USA toll free at 1-855-652-9019 or by email between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. MT Monday through Friday or visit the company's website.
Read more:Recalls for Canadian familiesRecall: Quaker Canada recalls Quaker Harvest Brand quinoa granola barsRecall: Imaginarium Safari Stacking Cubes from Toys R Us
Total Recall's delicate coloring totally belies its incredible bloom habit. This tinted pearly white Iris blooms well each spring. Its crowning distinction is that it strongly blooms a second time throughout the summer and fall. It has a vigorous growth habit to match its this effusive bloom habit.
Smiths Medical is recalling Medfusion 3500 and 4000 Syringe Infusion Pumps for eight software malfunctions that affect different serial numbers and software versions. These malfunctions may cause serious harm or death to patients from under- or over-infusion, or delays in the delivery of critical medications to patients.
Smiths Medical states there have been a total of 7 serious injuries and one death reported related to these issues. The Customer Notification identifies the injuries and/or deaths associated with each software issue.
In addition, ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 adds other aspects which are considered relevant to manufacturing operations: 1) rework; 2) product recall procedures; 3) warehousing; 4) product information and consumer awareness; 5) food defence, biovigilance, and bioterrorism.
In the case of the European segment, no single ancestry exceeds the 70 percent threshold, so wedon't assign that DNA to any fine-grained ancestries. Instead, we refer to our hierarchy ofancestries. There is a "Broadly Northern European" ancestry that includes four fine-levelancestries: British & Irish, Scandinavian, Finnish, and French & German. If, when we add up thecontributions of each of these subgroups, the total contribution toward Broadly Northern Europeanexceeds the 70 percent threshold, then we will report the region as Broadly Northern European.
This test looks at two classic measures of model performance, precision andrecall. These are the standard measurements that researchers use to test how wella prediction system works. Precision answers the question "When the system predicts that a piece ofDNA comes from population A, how often is the DNA actually from population A?" Recall answers thequestion "Of the pieces of DNA that actually are from population A, how often does the systemcorrectly predict that they are from population A?"
With a low-precision, high-recall system the opposite problem exists. In this case, the systemliberally assigns Scandinavian ancestry. Any time a piece of DNA might be Scandinavian, itis assigned that ancestry. This will yield high recall, as most genuine Scandinavian DNA will belabeled accordingly, but low precision, because non-Scandinavian DNA will often be incorrectlylabeled Scandinavian.
The ideal system has both high precision and high recall, but that may be impossible in real life.Let's see how Ancestry Composition performs on these metrics. For this quality-control test, we setapart 20 percent of the reference database, approximately 3,000 individuals of known ancestry. Wetrained and ran the entire Ancestry Composition pipeline on the other 80 percent of the referenceindividuals. Then we treated the "hold-out" 20 percent as though they were new 23andMe customersand used our Ancestry Composition pipeline to calculate their ancestries. Since we know thesepeople's true ancestries, we can check to see how accurate their Ancestry Composition results are.We ran this test five times each at various minimum confidence thresholds, with a different 20percent held out each time, and then averaged across the five tests to give the following results(shown here for a minimum confidence threshold of 50%, which is the default for results shown tocustomers):
It is important to realise that poor recall doesn't mean bad results. Somepopulations, like Sardinian, are just hard to tell apart from others. When Ancestry Compositionfails to assign Sardinian DNA, this doesn't mean that DNA is incorrectly assigned to somethingelse, like Italian. If it were, then the Italian population would have poor precision. Instead,Ancestry Composition often assigns Sardinian DNA to the Broadly Southern European or BroadlyEuropean populations.
Our included library of LFO shapes goes far beyond standard modulation effects, giving you curves based on vintage modulation effects, amps and instruments as well as more abstract shapes. You can also draw and sculpt your own totally customized shapes using our Shape Editor. Use it to dream up new LFO shapes, from knife-edged waves to gently ebbing curves.
There are approximately 1,463,389 vehicles in North America relating to this concern, with 1,282,596 in the United States and federalized territories, 136,272 in Canada and 44,521 in Mexico. The Ford reference number for this recall is 18S32.
Dealers will reprogram the powertrain control module with new software that will detect a malfunctioning canister purge valve and prevent a potential excessive fuel vapor system vacuum condition from occurring. Dealers will inspect and replace the canister purge valve, carbon canister, fuel tank and fuel delivery module, as necessary. There will be no charge for these services. Customers should maintain at least a half tank of fuel until the recall is completed.
Under many versions of UNIX and on Windows, R provides a mechanismfor recalling and re-executing previous commands. The vertical arrowkeys on the keyboard can be used to scroll forward and backward througha command history. Once a command is located in this way, thecursor can be moved within the command using the horizontal arrow keys,and characters can be removed with the DEL key or added with theother keys. More details are provided later: see The command-line editor.
The elementary arithmetic operators are the usual +, -,*, / and ^ for raising to a power.In addition all of the common arithmetic functions are available.log, exp, sin, cos, tan, sqrt,and so on, all have their usual meaning.max and min select the largest and smallest elements of avector respectively.range is a function whose value is a vector of length two, namelyc(min(x), max(x)).length(x) is the number of elements in x,sum(x) gives the total of the elements in x,and prod(x) their product.
Lexical scope can also be used to give functions mutable state.In the following example we show how R can be used to mimic a bankaccount. A functioning bank account needs to have a balance or total, afunction for making withdrawals, a function for making deposits and afunction for stating the current balance. We achieve this by creatingthe three functions within account and then returning a listcontaining them. When account is invoked it takes a numericalargument total and returns a list containing the three functions.Because these functions are defined in an environment which containstotal, they will have access to its value.
(not Rgui.exe) Use expression as an input line. One ormore -e options can be used, but not together with -for --file. Implies --no-save unless --savehas been set. (There is a limit of 10,000 bytes on the total length ofexpressions used in this way. Expressions containing spaces or shellmetacharacters will need to be quoted.)
When the GNU readline library is available at thetime R is configured for compilation under UNIX, an inbuilt commandline editor allowing recall, editing and re-submission of prior commandsis used. Note that other versions of readline exist and may beused by the inbuilt command line editor: this is most common on macOS.You can find out which version (if any) is available by runningextSoftVersion() in an R session.
The R program keeps a history of the command lines you type,including the erroneous lines, and commands in your history may berecalled, changed if necessary, and re-submitted as new commands. InEmacs-style command-line editing any straight typing you do while inthis editing phase causes the characters to be inserted in the commandyou are editing, displacing any characters to the right of the cursor.In vi mode character insertion mode is started by M-i orM-a, characters are typed and insertion mode is finished by typinga further ESC. (The default is Emacs-style, and only that isdescribed here: for vi mode see the readlinedocumentation.) 2ff7e9595c